2012 is past and many memories were made. Some are happy memories, some sad, some silly, and some bad.
One of the most influential memories I will have from 2012 is the passing of my father in February. There were many times throughout the rest of the year when I’d say to myself “Dad would have loved to see this” or “This reminds me so much of Dad”. I know his presence will always be with me and I’ll hold him dear to my heart.

2012 was a year of travel for sure as Chuck and I continued our full-timing. We left Florida in early March to return to Massachusetts for Dad’s funeral. We hung around New England for about a month and I did some more family genealogy research before working our way to NY and Pennsylvania, getting to Maryland just in time for the birth of Paysen. In mid-May we started our real travels and headed back to New England, spending a few days in the Portland ME area reconnecting with friends and professional services before pushing on.
By June we had crossed in to the Canadian Maritimes and reconnected with several campgrounds we had visited in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, as well as finding new locations to visit in Nova Scotia. I think our favorite location during that part of the travels was staying at a campground outside Baddeck, on Cape Breton Island.
July brought us back to the United States and New England, first a brief stop in Maine and then a week stay in New Hampshire. We had abandon our plans to travel westerly across Canada and decided to see the U.S. instead. One of the places on our 2012 bucket list was to visit an RV manufacturing plant. While in Elkhart IN we took advantage of touring at a Heartland facility. Very educational for us.

After our two week stint with Habitat was up, and because RV friends we knew from Maine 2011 were in Montana, Chuck, the pups and I headed west across South Dakota to meet up with our friends in Sturgis, SD. (Bike Week had ended and the RV park had an outstanding deal which we couldn’t resist.) We stopped in Mitchell SD, home of the Corn Palace and also at Wall Drug as we headed west of I-90.
Upon crossing the Missouri River in SD, a whole different world opened before us. The landscape of our country was so different and beautiful. We stopped for a few days in the Badlands National Park before joining Michael & Glenda in Sturgis for a week. It was fantastic to reconnect with them in person and the week flew by. While staying in Sturgis, Chuck and I drove to Mount Rushmore one day and Devils Tower another.
Getting back on the road, we chose the Little Bighorn Battlefield for our next destination. From there we headed to Yellowstone National Park, spending a few days on the east side of the park in Wapiti, WY, then to the west of the park in Island Park, ID.
By this point I was starting to feel overly visually stimulated and instead of trying to get to many more of the national parks, chose a few key locations we wanted to see during the year before finding a place to set up camp for the winter. We headed to Las Vegas where I reconnected with a friend who I first knew when we both lived in Charlestown MA. Kathryn and I hadn’t seen each other in 10 years and had a fun reunion. And Chuck finally got to say he had been to Vegas. I was able to share the Red Rock Canyon area with him which had always been the highlight of my trips to Vegas.
From Vegas we headed to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Words and photos do not give this beautiful area full justice - to me it is something you have to experience. While in Arizona, we decided it was time to head back to Florida and chose 2 more most stop locations before getting back to the campground we stayed at the previous winter.
Our penultimate must see destination was Roswell NM, and as far as we recall, neither of us were abducted during that night. Our final must see for the year was a visit to the Alamo in San Antonio TX. Other than those places, the campgrounds we stopped at were strictly for resting and pushing on.
We arrived back in Leesburg, FL for October 1 and settled in to a routine at the resort. Because we bought a new truck at the end of February, we knew exactly how many miles we had gone in the year, just under 20,000, sleeping in 25 states and 3 provinces.
At the end of Nov. our friends, Michael & Glenda coincidentally were in the same region as us and invited us to visit them at the campground they were at in Crystal River. The Crystal River campground was 1/4 the size of the Leesburg park, and had a more decidedly camping atmosphere vs the mobile home park, and we decided to relocate to Crystal River for the winter.
Since arriving at this campground we’ve been kayaking with manatees and rode our motorcycles in a toy ride of over 300 bikers. Mostly though, we’ve been relaxing and enjoying the company of friends and the outdoors.
When asked by people what we hope to do in 2013, we explain that our plans are written in ice cubes, ever changing with our whims.
Happened to talk to a friend who says when they retire they plan on traveling in their new RV and thought of you guys. And then I saw your wonderful recap above and I knew she would be interested in seeing how another couple is living their dream! And best of all "I" was mentioned! You will be so glad you have kept this blog years from now to look back on. How wonderfully disciplined of you! Love Kathryn